Smart Nutrition™ MAP+MST® Formulation

Representatives from Federated Co-operatives Limited across Western Canada discuss the formulation and benefits of the new Smart Nutrition MAP+MST product. Watch the video or read through the transcript below featuring Ken Wall, Stewart Boyd and Mike Hilhorst.

Ken Wall: “Smart Nutrition MAP+MST is basically monoammonium phosphate mixed with elemental sulfur. It utilizes micronized sulfur technology.”

Stewart Boyd: “With the high nutrient composition, you’re not having to apply as many pounds per acre as some of the other products on market, as well as some of the blends on the market.”

Mike Hilhorst: “I think a product like this will help eliminate some of those logistical and physical issues that we deal with every year with just simply trying to apply the fertilizer.”

Stewart Boyd: “Some of the benefits of a product like this over say a blend, or we’re running straight products, so obviously a product like this could in theory replace two of your bins, so you won’t need a MAP bin, and a sulfur bin, you could use one bin that covers both needs.”

Mike Hilhorst: “At the end of the day this is going to be a sustainable product that you can stand behind and be confident that your investment that you’ve made into the fertilizer that you’ve purchased, especially this MAP+MST that we’re talking about, is going to be a fantastic ROI for the future.”

For specific questions about Smart Nutrition MAP+MST, our team of agronomists can help.

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